Featured Stories

Destined for Greatness

Nathan Thomas loves the game of football, and remains optimistic that playing football is where he’s meant to be. Like many young boys, playing football is the chosen sport, luckily enough Nathan realized his love…

Always, Football

Matt Fairbairn is making his mark as a footballer, as playing football just feels right. Matt’s journey with football has definitely been colorful, playing football from a young age, moving onto playing VFL football with…

On My Way

Aaron Christensen is definitely something special when it comes to football, excelling in both Calder Cannons as well as Coburg Lions; he’s definitely a player to watch. Aaron currently has the best of both worlds;…

All That Matters

Ben Sortino has always bordered himself with football and is certain playing football is where he belongs. Ben’s love for football started at a young age and as years passed by, Ben grew more determined…

Leader in the Making

Errol McConnell has definitely started his football career on the right foot; impressing many whilst ensuring the best has yet to come. Unlike many youngsters, football wasn’t first choice for Errol. Errol started playing football…

A Kept Promise

Andrew Sturgess has many ambitions in life; to be a positive role model as well as play the game he loves; football. Andrew definitely leads a busy life, currently in his last year studying a…

Only the Beginning

Nathan Blair, only 18 years of age, has made his mark with football; the best part, his career has only just started. Nathan Blair started playing football at a young age, as a youngster he…